This Isprobably the best app on the phone , Ive spent hours on this game n I love it , my records 72 seconds , ull love it . Once u get good at it , ull just want to beet your high scores all day
This Isprobably the best app on the phone , Ive spent hours on this game n I love it , my records 72 seconds , ull love it . Once u get good at it , ull just want to beet your high scores all day
This game just rocks I cant stop laughing
The new version wont even let you go to the menu when you click it on your itouch, what a piece of crap.
Before the update it worked NOW it doesent I cant get to the menu I just got lucky I got it free
Pretty fun little game. Looks like the only bad reviews will be from queezy animal lovers.
Great game to waste time in class. Please fix it soon!
Its ok but ur finger is in the way and u cant see the razors very well. But its an alright game.
I think this game is funny and fun! It pretty basic, keep the kitty from running into the saws. Everyone who is giving this game a low score are only rating it low because its a kitty! We have thousands of games out now about killing other humans and such, but when it comes down to one cartoon kitty, the publisher must be "discusting". Dont listen to these people, this game has a great sense of humor and is a pretty fun game at the same time!
Stupid (very)
Its a great game but I dont think u should spend money on it, it should have stayed free.
This game can be played in two ways; keep kitty alive as long as you can or kill that darned cat as quickly as possible! More fun than dismembering a bowl of monkeys!
Besides the game being pointless, Its usually fun to waste your free time getting a new score. They should add different levels where theres something different that you have to avoid touching like swords, sharp cheese (lol), etc. Also decorating your cat with different colors or additional accesories which would be pretty awesome.
Boring, controls are weaks, high score reset every game, stay away from this app
Anyone who rated this game bad is just upset they cant get a good score . Its defitently hard at first but with time and practise you will get it. My biggest issue is everytime you play a new game it will erase your high/ previous score.
How is it animal cruelty? Its a freaking CARTOON cat. Its not like for everytime a person loses they actually cut a real cats head off! I love animals, yes, but this is a cartoon.. just shutup if youre the next person to probably say something like "THIS IS GROSS U R SO MEAN TO ANIMALS!" Ok if u already have seen the name and the bloody screenshots, what else did u expect from it? READ THE DESCRIP AND LOOK AT THE SCREENSHOTS BEFORE YOU DOWNLOAD SOMETHING. you must be an idiot if you didnt.
Its kinda like little piggy. But this is better because this one has difficulty changes. Get little piggy NOW Its Free!
One if those games that demands to be mastered. Simple but really fun!
Its head shouldnt fall off :-(
If the kitty was ugly I would like it but they made the kitty so I dont like it ok animal cruilty
I like dont like this game at all! The poor kitty got its head cut off! I know thats the fun of this game. But the thing is i love cats. So I dont like it at all